Part II: How Do I Get Alcohol Treatment for Myself or Someone Else?
Start With What You Know
The decision to get the help you need and following through with it can seem like a daunting task. You know Chattanooga alcohol treatment works. You have seen people recover from alcoholism and go on to live healthy, happy lives. No matter how hopeless you may feel at times, some part of you knows the same miracle can happen for you or the one you live. You don’t want to continue the path of destruction you currently find yourself in. But making it happen can feel overwhelming. Once the decision has been made, a barrage of questions usually begins to fill your mind.
- How do I get someone else into alcohol rehab in Chattanooga?
- How long is the stay at an alcohol treatment center?
- What is the cost of drug and alcohol rehab in Chattanooga?
- Will my health insurance pay for rehab?
First, you want to relax. Yes, this is a serious situation and there may be some trying times ahead. But we are going to take on these questions one at a time. Like any major undertaking, choosing the right Chattanooga alcohol treatment is best approached one step at a time. We will answer all the above and a lot more in this series on Chattanooga alcohol treatment.
How Do I Get Someone Else into Chattanooga Alcohol Treatment?
You have good reason to believe someone you care about has an Alcohol Use Disorder. Perhaps they were able to hide it successfully for months, or even years. People can be surprisingly adept at hiding problem drinking or drug use. But for whatever reason, it has come to your attention now. You are worried and rightfully so. A drinking problem can have all sorts of terrible consequences and you know this. DUI or a fatal car accident. Destroying your physical health, shortening your lifespan. Causing relationships to fail, financial distress. The list goes on and on. Chances are you have already seen some of these consequences. The person you are worried about has seen them too, of course. Even though a person with an Alcohol Use Disorder often puts up a strong front defended with angry denial, there is always a part of them that knows the truth. They see the consequences. They have broken dozens of promises to themselves and others to “cut back” on their drinking. Maybe they managed to “cut back” or even stop for brief periods of time. But they always return to the bottle and things inevitably get awful again. So, how do you help a person like that, who maybe doesn’t admit to having a problem yet? What if the person admits their drinking is a problem, but they are afraid or unwilling to accept help now? Don’t despair, there is always something you can do. Even in the direst circumstances, there are actions you can take.
Here are a few things you should do if someone you care about needs help with alcoholism
- Talk to them but also be sure to listen.
- Come from a place of love, not judgment.
- Gather support from others – you don’t have to go it alone.
- Begin to explore options for Chattanooga alcohol treatment.
- Consider intervention if the situation is serious and there is no willingness.
More About Helping Someone Enter Alcohol Treatment in Chattanooga
It always helps to try and put yourself in the other person’s shoes. Even if they are angrily denying they have a drinking problem, remember that is only a front. What they are feeling inside is fear. Anger almost always comes from fear at its route. You want to recognize that fear and speak to it. Try to ignore the anger and see the fear that lies beneath. What does a person who is afraid and feeling alone need most? Reassurance. Confidence. Love. The best thing you can do for this person is to let them know you care. Don’t react to their anger with more anger of your own. Try not to direct your own anxiety and fear at them. Trying to “guilt trip” a person into going to alcohol treatment in Chattanooga rarely works.
Become the Calm Eye of the Storm
Can you remember a time when someone tried to make you feel their anxiety when you were already worried and anxious yourself? How did it feel? Did it motivate you to change? Or did it just make you resentful or feel even more afraid and paralyzed? Instead, what you want to do is be a source of comfort to this person.
That does not mean being complacent about their alcoholism. It doesn’t mean enabling them by bailing them out of the drunk tank over and over and saying nothing. What it does mean is not directing anger or worry towards them. Instead, you want them to feel loved, heard and understood. They should be aware of your concern. You should not sugarcoat the very serious consequences in play either. But you want them to see hope in you. You want to help them believe there is a way out and all it takes is a little willingness on their part. Let them see that you are ready to listen and you are ready to help. They should understand that you don’t think this is their fault.
An Alcohol Use Disorder is no one’s fault. However, it is their responsibility to accept help. So you want to be persistent and consistent in your message. You believe they need help from a Chattanooga alcohol treatment center. You’re willing to help them get there. You will be patient with them, but you’re not going to stand still and this problem will not solve itself or go away without action.
Getting Help for Yourself
If you need help with your own drinking problem, all of the above applies to you too. You probably identified with many of the feelings and emotions mentioned. You don’t want to be afraid and alone any longer. The logical step for you is to tell someone. Admitting to someone else that you have a drinking problem and you need help can be incredibly freeing. It may sound scary, but it will feel anything but. A burden shared is a burden halved.
Tell someone the truth about yourself and then they can begin to help carry the weight. Not only that, but you gain an ally in the fight. You now have at least one more person who is fighting for you and against your illness. This may be one of the toughest battles you ever face, so you want all the allies you can get. So ask for help and accept it when it is offered. If you want to know more about Chattanooga alcohol treatment, don’t hesitate to call Harmony Oaks now at (423) 708-4961 or reach out to us. Please continue to the next installment in this series: Part 3: How to Choose an Alcohol Treatment Center